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Section 1.7 of the Police Officer Handbook

When officer’s rest days are cancelled in anticipation of an operational need for which, in the event, they are not required to attend for duty e.g. court countermand, then the undernoted guidance as to the officer’s entitlement should be followed.

Notice of original requirement to work rest dayNotice of reinstatement of rest dayEntitlement
less than 8 days’ notice of a requirement to workLess than 8 days’ notice that rest day is being reinstated    Officer may choose between taking rest day with no compensation or working rest day and taking payment at double time i.e. 4 hours plus relevant travelling time.
between 8 and 17 days’ notice of a requirement to workLess than 8 days’ notice that rest day is being reinstatedOfficer may choose between taking rest day with no compensation or working rest day and taking payment at time and a half i.e. 4 hours plus relevant travelling time.
between 8 and 17 days’ notice of a requirement to workMore than 7 days’ notice that rest day is being reinstatedOfficer required to take rest day with no compensation.
Officer originally received 18 or more days’ notice of a requirement to workLess than 8 days’ notice that rest day is being reinstatedOfficer may choose between taking the original rest day with no compensation or working and taking the re-rostered rest day.  No payment due.
Officer originally received 18 or more days’ notice of a requirement to workMore than 7 days’ notice that rest day is being reinstatedOfficer required to take rest day with no compensation.

Key Elements:

  • Applies to constables and sergeants.
  • Compensation can be payment or time off in lieu at the officer’s choice.
  • The force day will consist of a period of 24 hours period commencing at 0700, unless a different time is otherwise fixed.
  • In assessing the number of days’ notice given, the day after the officer is made aware of the changes in the roster will count as the first day.  The day that was to have been a rest day will not be included in the total.
  • Relevant travelling time of 45 minutes each way will only be paid in full if the total time claimed does not exceed 6 hours i.e. If 5.5 hours worked, only 0.5 hours travelling time is paid.
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