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Workforce Agreement

(a)   The seven day periods for this purpose commences at 0700 on Monday of each week. The Force day is 24 hours commencing at 0700. The chief constable may fix different times in relation to different groups of constables and in doing so must have regard to the views of the Joint Central Committee. A list of constables working a different force day will be reviewed not less than every three months.

(b)  While the Working Time Regulations only require the employer to provide two uninterrupted rest periods each of not less than 24 hours in each 14 day period, it is agreed that Police Service of Scotland Regulations 2013, being significantly better, prevail over Working Time Regulations and that two rest days will be provided in respect of each week when preparing shift patterns.

(c)   When creating shift patterns, it should be noted that the provision of at least 2 rest days per week will be averaged over the 17 week reference period.

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