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Regulation 25

Annex 12

PNB Circular 23/2014

PNB Circular 2016/01

(a) Where the chief constable is satisfied that, in any leave year, a constable of a rank up to chief superintendent has not taken the full period of annual leave, the chief constable may, at their discretion, and subject to exigencies of duty grant the constable, during the following leave year, additional days of annual leave not exceeding the number of days not taken.

(b) The chief constable must not grant more than five additional days of annual leave unless they are satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances and that it is in the interests of efficiency to do so.

(c) Whilst recognising the Service will make every effort to ensure that officers are able to take their annual leave within the relevant annual leave year, Police Officers who have not been able to take all of their annual leave entitlement as a direct consequence of being required to perform duty in response to COVID-19 will be able to carry over into 2021/22 and 2022/23. 

3.2.1     Carry Forward of Annual Leave

The chief constable has discretion, subject to exigencies of duty to allow the bringing forward of a maximum of five additional days from the next annual leave period into the current annual leave period provided that these additional days are taken in the last month of the current leave period.

3.2.2     Carry-Over of Annual Leave Due to Being on Sick Leave or on Maternity, Adoption or Shared

(a) Officers are required to take their statutory annual leave (20 days, pro-rated for part-time officers, in line with the EU Working Time Directive) before their occupational annual leave (the balance of their total annual leave entitlement as per section 3.1).

(b) If an officer is unable to take statutory annual leave, in whole or in part, due to being on sick leave or on maternity, adoption or shared parental leave, the outstanding statutory leave requires to be brought forward into the next leave year.

(c) Any statutory annual leave carried over must be taken within 15 months of the end of the leave year in which it accrued.

(d) An officer who is on sick leave, maternity, adoption or shared parental leave does not have to request to take or carryover the statutory annual leave in order to have it carried over into the next leave year (as is the case with section 3.2.2).

(e) Officers on long term sick leave may use statutory leave to defer half/no pay dates.

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