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Regulation 27

Annex 19

(a) An officer is entitled to be reimbursed for the following provided that the expenditure is reasonable and backed by a receipt.

  • When they are necessarily prevented in the course of a tour of duty/rostered shift from obtaining a meal in the usual way, they are entitled to be reimbursed the difference between the meal they obtain and the meal they usually take in the course of that tour of duty/rostered shift.
  • When they are retained on duty beyond their normal daily period of duty/rostered shift, they are entitled to be reimbursed the cost of any meal they necessarily obtain.
  • An officer is entitled to be reimbursed accommodation expenses necessarily incurred in connection with duty away from their usual place of duty, or because they have been retained on duty beyond their normal daily period of duty.

(b) In the context of food and accommodation expenses, retained on duty beyond their normal period of duty includes officers who are required to perform duty away from their normal place of duty and as a consequence are either practically unable or prevented from returning home.

(c) The usual place of duty for this purpose is the building the officer is stationed.  The chief constable is to determine the date at which the officer on duty away from their usual place of duty becomes for the time being stationed at the place where they are temporarily on duty.

(d) Upon request, an officer is entitled to be given an advance to cover, as far as practicable, probable expenses of duty away from their usual place of duty.

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