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Police Circular No. 1/2002

Police Council Circular 9/75not available at this time

(a) An officer may be granted special leave, in addition to their entitlement to annual leave.  Such special leave may be either paid or unpaid, at the discretion of the police authority, and may be granted in the following circumstances:

  • For compassionate reasons.
  • To attend courses of training or education.
  • To participate in exchanges, visits or representative sporting activities; or
  • In any circumstances where the police authority is satisfied that the grant of special leave would benefit the service, or the individual officer’s welfare or efficiency as a police officer.

(b) The list above is intended as a guide and is not necessarily comprehensive.

(c) The grant of special leave may in certain circumstances have to be delayed due to the exigencies of the service.

(d) For periods of unpaid leave refer to Section 3.15 in relation to entitlement for pension purposes. Unpaid special leave is not reckonable for pay progression and annual leave entitlement purposes.

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