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Chief Constable

The chief constable has overall responsibility for the strategy, policy and direction of Police Scotland and the administration and management of police operations.

Chief Officers

Chief officers comprise the chief constable, deputy chief constables and assistant chief constables.

Federated Ranks

The federated ranks are constable, sergeant, inspector and chief inspector.

Joint Central Committee

The Joint Central Committee of the Scottish Police Federation is effectively its national executive committee.  It comprises the three rank committees of the Scottish Police Federation (constables, sergeants, inspectors and chief inspectors) sitting together and its statutory responsibility is… to consider and bring to the notice of the police authorities and the Secretary of State all matters affecting their welfare and efficiency

Police Negotiating Board

The pay and conditions of police officers have been set centrally since the Desborough Committee Report (1919). The Police Negotiating Board for the United Kingdom (PNB) was established in 1979 by a Committee of Inquiry on the Police, chaired by Lord Edmund-Davies. The PNB comprises two ‘sides’, the Staff Side and the Official Side, an Independent Chair and an Independent Secretariat. The Staff Side comprises representatives of the federated ranks, the superintending ranks and chief officers.  The Official Side comprises representatives of the Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland and Scottish Ministers. The negotiating process involves negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.  In 2014, a Police Remuneration Review Body was established for England and Wales and Northern Ireland, so the PNB now only exists in Scotland.

Police Negotiating Board Circulars

Following an agreement reached through negotiation, conciliation or arbitration, the Independent Secretariat will draft a PNB Circular. Scottish Ministers may then choose to enact the agreement into subordinate legislation in the Scottish Parliament, through the Police Service of Scotland Regulations 2013, and in determinations signed by Scottish Government officials.  However, where both sides of the PNB agree, the substance of the agreement can be implemented from the date of the agreement or an otherwise specified date.

Police Regulations and Determinations

In accordance with the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, s48, the Scottish Ministers must make regulations as to the governance, administration and conditions of service of constables and police cadets. Amongst other things, the regulations and determinations make provision for:

•           Appointment and promotion

•           The efficiency and effectiveness of constables

•           Restrictions on private lives and business interests

•           Resignation and retirement

•           Conditions of service, pay, allowances and expenses

•           Public holidays and leave

•           Police duties

•           Disciplinary procedures, conduct and performance

Scottish Police Authority

The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 created the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and set out its five core functions:

  • to maintain the Police Service;
  • to promote the policing principles set out in the 2012 Act;
  • to promote and support continuous improvement in the policing of Scotland;
  • to keep under review the policing of Scotland; and
  • to hold the chief constable to account for the policing of Scotland

Superintending Ranks

The superintending ranks comprise superintendent and chief superintendent.

Variable Shift Arrangements (VSAs)

VSAs are essentially work patterns comprising shifts of longer than 8 hours. Any shift pattern for police officers should seek to balance the demands of the public, the police service and the officers.  It is essential that the interests of all three stakeholders are taken into account.

Workforce Agreement – Police Service of Scotland WFA

The Workforce Agreement (WFA) is made between the chief constable and the Scottish Police Federation. Amongst other things the WFA covers working time; limits; breaks; rest; rosters and leave.

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